
This site is dedicated to The Scope of Eugenics, a four-day workshop, scheduled to be held at the Banff Centre from May 22nd through May 25th, 2015. This workshop is intended to celebrate the significant student contributions made to the Living Archives Project, and is aimed at early career scholars (students and those within five years of completing their doctorates).

This workshop has been made possible through the generous support of the Living Archives Project on Eugenics in Western Canada, a CURA (Community University Research Alliance) and SSHRC / CRSH (Social Science and Humanities REsearch Council of Canada) funded project.

To learn more about the Living Archives Project, please visit their website at:


If you would like to get in touch with the workshop co-ordinators, please email us at scopeofeugenics@gmail.com. You can also visit us on Facebook.